2024 Reading List

While I only just scraped by 2023 reading goals, I’ve decided to go down a very different route for 2024. In 2024, I will not buy any new books. Rather I have 12 lovely books that I bought over the years, that I either never finished or never started. I also have a few books that I need to reread to extract information from. So here’s the 2024 list:

  1. Life 3.0
  2. After the Fall
  3. Range
  4. On Writing Well
  5. A Job to Love
  6. Brick by Brick
  7. The Antidote
  8. Adventures in Stationary
  9. Creativity Inc
  10. Messy
  11. Unconditional Parenting
  12. Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat

The rereads are:

  1. The Art and Business of Online Writing
  2. Unnatural Talent

In recent times I have found it pretty difficult to get into fiction, save for the Silo trilogy, which I am still working my way through and enjoying. I have not finished reading Nausica by Miyazaki or Monsters by Barry Windsor Smith, but am halfway through each of these.